Sunday, February 12, 2012

Well This Is Embarrassing...

Hey there everyone!

I apologize I've been completely absent for a while but it's because I've been embarrassed of my lack of success.  When you're trying to change as much as I have it's very easy to fall back, feel overwhelmed and lose motivation when everything is not going perfectly.  So, I basically gained the small amount of weight I lost back over the last couple of weeks mostly due to letting myself go crazy on the weekends and not eating as well in the evenings as I should be.  I am still doing really well with keeping a healthy diet during the day during the work week but have found myself over-indulging at night and on weekends.  However, over the last week, I wasn't perfect, but still did pretty well and actually lost 6 pounds in 5 days without even working out.  So that's pretty cool and actually gave me a little boost of confidence which is also good.  I think my biggest problem is that I'm finding it very hard to believe in myself which in turn has really taken a toll on my will power.  But I also really haven't committed completely to myself.  It's just so much easier in the short term to fail myself, ya know?  Anyway, what I really want you all to know is that I really am trying...I mean really.  And I feel like I'm failing you all as well so far, which is very hard for me to think about.  But the solution is so easy, right?  Yes and no.  I know what I need to do and just need to do it while also remembering that it's not supposed to be easy.  Also, I need to continue to remind myself that had I done this in the first place I'd be 130 pounds lighter and wouldn't have 130 pounds to lose...I would just be maintaining.  Anyway, at the very latest I will report back next weekend.  My plan for this week is to start working out again, even if it's only for 10 minutes every day.  I love you all and thank you for your continued support.  Have a good night!


  1. It's ok, we all get discouraged! I "fell off the wagon" this weekend and am kicking myself for it today. But, today is a new day! It is sometimes hard to find the motivation, but we're all here to help keep you accountable. I found an AMAZING tool that helps me keep track of what I eat and the calories I consume. It's called and there's even an app for your phone. It tells you how many calories per day you should be eating to fit in with your weight-loss goals. It's really helped me so far!

  2. Hi Jacq,
    I went to a ZUMBA class for the first time today at our YMCA in eau claire. Have you tried a class like this? I haven't been to an exercise class in years, so it was pretty fun and there were all levels there.
